Mercy Extended
This is not an “Ought To” book, it is a “How To” book. Truth speaks from inside. No matter how hard and difficult we may perceive things to be, if it is the truth, we will know it from inside. Equally, no matter how well garnished lies and traditions are dressed; we will have revulsion
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Lessons From 30 Years Of Marriage
The only way to use and enjoy any product is to first study the manufacturers’ manual. So for a marriage relationship to be fully enjoyed and not endured, the parties have to go to the manufacturer’s manual (the word of God) for guidance at all times. If there is any institution, that has suffered devastating
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The Silent Years of God’s Elect
God used the burning Bush to get the attention of Moses so He could speak to him and thoroughly prepare him for the mighty deliverance of His people from the bondage and captivity of Egypt. This book chronicles the author’s personal experience in the University of Silence under the watchful eyes of His creator. Some
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